YP2LE Positive Youth Development Learning Agenda Literature Scan Brief: Findings from Recent PYD Research and Learning Agenda Recommendations

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From December 2021 to May 2022, YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE) conducted a literature scan to identify emerging evidence-based research and best practices on what works in youth development related to USAID Youth Power’s five Positive Youth Development (PYD) Learning Agenda themes:

  1. Understanding how PYD programs achieve positive impact in low- and medium-income countries (LMICs)
  2. Cross-sectoral impact of PYD programs
  3. Measurement of PYD constructs
  4. PYD for vulnerable or marginalized populations
  5. Youth engagement in PYD programs

Each Learning Agenda theme seeks to further the four PYD domains (YouthPower Learning 2016, 22).

The Learning Agenda highlights priority research questions in the field of PYD in LMICs and is a living document to be regularly refined. This brief highlights key findings related to Learning Agenda themes from the recent literature scan activity, describes how the evidence has changed in the past 5 years, and provides recommended considerations for updating the Learning Agenda.


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