2018 YouthPower Annual Learning Network Meeting
September 18, 2018
8:30 a.m. - 5:15 p.m. EDT
National Housing Center
1201 15th Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20005
Positive Youth Development (PYD) champions, YouthPower consortia members, and program implementers and researchers convened at the fourth YouthPower Annual Learning Network Meeting to discuss what the community has learned about PYD and get updates on YouthPower and other youth development activities.
Participants helped contribute to USAID's understanding of how youth programming can support the Journey to Self-Reliance. They also learned and shared how their efforts can contribute to the PYD Learning Agenda. Experts from YouthPower Action and YouthPower Learning introduced new products -- Youth Compass: A Strategic Guide to Strengthen Youth Activities and Project Design Guide for Youth-Inclusive Agriculture and Food Systems -- and YouthPower Learning’s Communities of Practice (CoPs) shared updates on their activities.
The meeting also featured interactive sessions and innovations for youth programming.
We invite you to subscribe to our YouthPower Learning Newsletter for updates on future events.
Watch the Opening Remarks and Young Women Transform Prize Announcement video here.
Watch the Journey to Self-Reliance Panel here.
Watch the Youth Panel video here.
Watch the Morning Lightning Talks video here.
Watch the Afternoon Lightning Talks video here.
Watch the Learning Agenda for PYD Panel here.
Watch the Successful Scaling for Youth Programming video here.
Agenda, 2018 YouthPower Annual Learning Network Meeting
8:30 Registration and Light Breakfast
9:00 Welcome Address and Opening Remarks by USAID
9:30 Youth Panel: What Difference Has Youth Engagement Made?
Learn from young people how youth engagement has transformed them, their families, and communities
and how we in the development community can better engage young people.
10:00 Break
10:15 On the Journey to Self-Reliance
Identify how the community of youth program implementers and researchers can contribute to USAID’s
efforts on achieving self-reliance.
10:55 Group Activity
11:10 Lightning Talks: Innovations for Youth Programming (Livestreamed)
Listen to quick highlights of major innovative ideas, approaches and tools that have broad
applicability in youth programming.
11:50 Lunch, Networking, Poster Sessions, and Meeting with Youth and CoPs
Eat lunch while networking, joining youth-hosted roundtables and Community of Practice (CoP)-hosted
roundtables or walking through the poster gallery.
1:00 Lightning Talks: Innovations for Youth Programming (Livestreamed)
Listen to quick highlights of major innovative ideas, approaches and tools that have broad applicability in youth programming.
1:35 Panel: Continuing the Journey - Launching a Learning Agenda for Positive Youth Development
Learn about the PYD Learning Agenda and how it can advance the PYD field as well as how you can contribute to building the evidence base for PYD.
2:30 Break
2:45 Framework & Lightning Talks: Successful Scaling for Youth Programming – What Have We Learned? (Livestreamed)
Learn about a framework for scaling followed by lightning talks about and discussions with youth programs that have successfully scaled up.
3:45 Poster Sessions and Roundtable Discussions
Networking and small group discussions on selected topics
4:30 Thinking Ahead with USAID
Hear updates from USAID about its redesign and reflections on its Youth in Development Policy; ask questions or provide suggestions to USAID on “the way forward.”
5:00 Closing Remarks
5:15 Adjourn