Overview of YouthPower
What is YouthPower, and who is it for?
YouthPower is the online home for resources on positive youth development (PYD), supported by USAID. USAID defines PYD as engaging “youth along with their families, communities, and/or governments so that youth are empowered to reach their full potential. PYD approaches build skills, assets, and competencies; foster healthy relationships; strengthen the environment; and transform systems.”
YouthPower consolidates resources on PYD and connects practitioners in USAID, implementing partners, youth-serving organizations, and youth themselves. Whether you are starting to integrate PYD into your team’s work or a PYD expert looking for the latest evidence and tools, YouthPower can help you be effective in your work.
What can I find on YouthPower?
YouthPower offers an enormous library of resources. With these resources, practitioners can access tools and the latest evidence about applying PYD, learn from other teams and projects, and follow news and events for the YouthPower Learning Network.
Can I submit content to YouthPower?
If you have a knowledge product, training, or event to highlight on YouthPower, you can submit content for review and posting using this Google Form.
2024 Updates to YouthPower and YouthLead
Why will YouthPower be changing in 2024?
YouthPower and YouthLead are go-to websites on positive youth development and youth leadership, and they will be merged into one site under the YouthLead brand in late 2024. The updated YouthLead website will combine content from both sites, however, further consolidating access to resources, events, and opportunities related to youth and international development. These changes aim to streamline the site and make for a better user experience.
What will change through the site transition?
- YouthPower and YouthLead content will be integrated on the new YouthLead site, so YouthPower will close and automatically redirect to YouthLead following the launch of the updated site.
- There will no longer be membership required to access any part of the site, and there will be no more sign-in or sign ups for the updated YouthLead site. Users will no longer be able to post content directly on the site, and discussion groups will close. Instead, any site user will be able to submit content for posting via a form. Current YouthPower and YouthLead site will receive updates through USAID newsletters rather than automated site messages, for those members who consented to receive email updates.
- Country pages and project pages will not transition to the new website, though site resources will still be searchable by country and project examples will be included.
What will still be available on the updated YouthLead site when it is launched?
The updated YouthLead site will still be a hub for resources and opportunities related to positive youth development and youth leadership. All site users will be able to learn about USAID’s work on PYD and to access the following content:
- Comprehensive Resource Library: The combined site will offer an extensive, searchable resource library. Whether you are seeking PYD best practices, online trainings and webinars, research, or practical guides, you will find it all in one place.
- Events Page: Stay informed about upcoming events, workshops, and conferences. The events page will continue to be a hub for networking and learning opportunities related to youth.
- Opportunities, including Funding: We understand the importance of finding opportunities for your projects. Our new platform will feature opportunities for fellowships, grants, scholarships, contests and campaigns, and more.
When will the site changes be happening?
YP2LE will be closing sections of the current YouthLead and YouthPower websites beginning in August 2024 (such as discussion groups and ending membership). We expect the updated YouthLead website to launch in late 2024, at which time YouthPower will automatically redirect to the new YouthLead site.
What if I have questions about the new YouthLead site that are not answered here?
Please share your questions and feedback with infoYL@youthpower.org.
2024 Community of Practice (CoP) Closures
Why is my CoP closing? What factors led to the decision?
YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE) is a USAID-funded Activity focused on building and disseminating evidence on Positive Youth Development (PYD). Now, in its final year, YP2LE is wrapping up. With the Activity closeout, CoPs will also end, including regular webinars, online discussion groups, and CoP Champion coordination.
What are other learning spaces or communities where members can continue their engagement, networking, and professional development?
Please reach out to your CoP Champion or to info@youthpower.org. In mid-2024, YP2LE will share a list of other learning spaces for CoP members.
What will happen to the resources and materials we shared within our CoP? Will we still have access to them?
YP2LE will preserve access to key resources in an upcoming refresh to the YouthLead website and all site users will have access to them. YP2LE will provide information on any plans for archiving or transitioning materials.
Other Questions
I have a question that’s not answered here. Who should I contact?
Write to info@youthpower.org and someone will reply.