YouthPower Learning, a USAID project dedicated to strengthening the evidence base in positive youth development (PYD), served as an important nexxus for youth development practitioners, donors, and other partners.
Alongside partners, YouthPower Learning identified existing knowledge and evidence gaps around PYD, and sought to address them through collaboration on online platforms as well as a plethora of resources, webinars, and events.
YouthPower Learning also cultivated global communities of practice for practitioners and provided important grant funding to support and learn from local youth-led and youth-serving organizations.
While the project ended in May of 2020, an enduring vibrant community has grown out of all this work, and this community has sparked a movement that remains wholly dedicated to #AdvancingPYD. This momentum has ushered in new ways of working and decisions that are better grounded in evidence and best practices.
In its final 10 weeks, YouthPower Learning embarked on the #AdvancingPYD series to highlight key learnings, collaborations, and progress achieved since the project’s inception in 2015.
The campaign culminated with the launch of YouthPower Learning’s final project report, “The YouthPower Learning Project: Advancing Youth Development,” which details the project’s work and the community’s journey.
Read on to learn more about these campaigns and the report, which offer the foundational building blocks for the next iteration of the project: YouthPower Learning2: Learning and Evaluation.
Advancing PYD Series: Youth Assessments
Advancing PYD through Meaningful Youth Engagement
Advancing PYD Series: Communities of Practice
Advancing PYD through Learning Grants
Advancing PYD through the Learning Agenda
Advancing PYD through YouthPower Learning’s Top Resources
Advancing PYD Series: YouthPower Learning Launches Final Project Report