This brief summarizes a rapid synthesis of existing evidence related to cross-sectoral youth programming in conflict-affected areas prepared by YouthPower Learning as part of a larger activity in support of USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) programming. With holistic programming being the mode of choice for youth in conflict-affected environments, this review focuses on youth development interventions most closely associated with stabilization-oriented activities, such as youth education, employment, and civic participation.
This review surveyed the available global literature on cross-sectoral topics to identify the most promising approaches to engage youth in areas affected by conflict. Findings were drawn largely from two publications by USAID that examined over 130 studies across 60 countries, as well as a recent ILO/World Bank systematic review of 113 rigorous evaluations. (See full evidence review for a complete list of references.) This review emphasizes youth’s role in long-term stabilization strategies and considers concepts, principles, and evidence related to Positive Youth Development (PYD). As such, it does not focus on evidence related to disarmament, demobilization, repatriation, reintegration and resettlement, nor does it cover youth-related responses within acute crises. Moreover, while this review looks at the integration of health interventions as part of a cross-sectoral youth approach, it takes only a cursory look at health-specific outcomes in conflict-affected environments.
Access the full Evidence Report here.