This brief looks at how the Proponte Más project utilizes a family-focused approach to positive youth development (PYD) within a comprehensive program for violence reduction in Honduras. Proponte Más focuses on reducing risk factors among youth who have been empirically identified at the “highest levels of risk for gang joining” and associated violence and criminal activity. It works at multiple levels with different populations, supporting families, communities, and national systems, such as the juvenile justice system. It has worked to build family support networks within communities that experience high rates of violence and to support youth in conflict with the law. The focus of this brief is on the project’s work strengthening families who have youth identified as highly at risk of violence and joining gangs, but not yet in conflict with the law, so that the family can function more effectively to protect them. This family strengthening approach creates more effective interactions within the family, helping parents and children improve the way they communicate and work together. It knits the family into a more cohesive and supportive unit, increasing youths’ sense of belonging and contribution to their families and reducing their risk of turning to gangs for this sense of connectedness with others.



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