YP2LE presents findings from recent and relevant evidence in a literature scan activity on emerging learnings in Positive Youth Development.

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Companion Learning Materials

View the Building the Evidence Base: Recent Learnings in PYD Research Slides. See attached below.

View the bibliography


About this event

Join YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE) for a Learning Network webinar presenting initial findings from a literature scan activity, focused on recent and relevant evidence and emerging learnings from Positive Youth Development (PYD). This webinar will focus on highlighting evidence related to the five themes of YP2LE’s PYD Learning Agenda. The webinar will also cover key sector-specific and COVID-19 related learnings and identify areas of the PYD Learning Agenda where there is a need for future research and programming.

Additionally, this webinar will provide the YP2LE Learning Network an opportunity to provide relevant feedback on additional reports and products that were not identified in the literature scan. This feedback will be synthesized after the webinar to inform updates to the PYD Learning Agenda and the evidence pages related to the five themes.

During this webinar attendees will:

  • Deepen their understanding of PYD.
  • Understand new outcomes and definitions of PYD included in the PYD Learning Agenda.
  • Discover recent learnings in the PYD evidence base related to youth development sectors and COVID-19.
  • Support the identification and development of areas of the PYD Learning Agenda, where there is strong evidence or need for future research and programming.



The learning agenda was created to define priority questions in the field of Positive Youth Development (PYD) in low and middle-income countries (LMICs). This PYD learning agenda builds upon the findings of the Systematic Review of PYD Programs in LMICs that highlighted gaps in the evidence for what works and for whom. It was developed in consultation with youth-serving and youth development practitioners, researchers, evaluators, and funders. The primary goal of the learning agenda is to provide collective guidance for a common agenda to address evidence gaps and invest in evidence-building activities related to PYD. While developed by YouthPower Learning with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), anyone who works with youth in LMICs can respond to this learning agenda and advance the PYD field. 



YP2LE is a USAID-funded activity focused on building and disseminating the evidence on Positive Youth Development (PYD). YP2LE’s goal is to give program implementers, researchers, and young changemakers the information, tools, and resources they need to develop high-quality, impactful, and sustainable youth programs.


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