As 2015 comes to a close, so do the Millennium for Sustainable Development Development Goals (MDGs). In their wake is a new plan for the next 15 years: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, or the 2030 Agenda. Although the MDGs drove significant progress in several areas, such as improved primary school enrollment and reduced incidence of malaria and other major diseases, they fell short in numerous others. Chief among the unfinished work is the goal of achieving full gender equality. In particular, the MDGs gave inadequate attention to the breadth of gender inequality and also to the unique needs, assets and rights of the 250 million adolescent girls living in poverty around the world. Thanks to the active engagement of experts, civil society and particularly women’s and youth organizations from around the world, the 2030 Agenda prominently features gender equality and women’s and girls’ rights throughout the document. This policy brief focuses on how, and to what extent girls fared throughout the various pillars of the Agenda.