In 2012, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) developed the Policy on Youth in Development, which advocated a holistic approach to youth programming across the Agency. This approach is reflected in USAID’s programming over the last eight years, which has sought to ensure that youth have better access to economic and social opportunities, share in economic growth, contribute to the community and regional and national systems, and fully participate in democratic and development processes. Since the publication of its youth policy in 2012, USAID has refined its approach for youth development, creating a Positive Youth Development (PYD) Framework that has been applied on cross-sectoral activities such as YouthPower Learning, YouthPower Action, Youth Excel, YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE), and other youth-focused efforts
This YP2LE-led literature review looks at how PYD programs have carried out cost-effectiveness and cost-efficiency analyses, focusing specifically on what components of youth programs have been tracked and measured. The findings from this review will support the development of guidance and tools that will help USAID better understand the value for money of investments in youth programming.