To effectively make strategic adjustments in supporting a democratic, well-governed, and prosperous Kyrgyz Republic, and to better reflect youth priorities in the design of upcoming activities, USAID/Kyrgyz Republic commissioned YouthPower Learning to conduct a cross-sectoral youth assessment. Using a positive youth development (PYD) lens, the assessment sought to better understand the status and aspirations of Kyrgyz youth ages 14-28 in their journey from adolescence to adulthood. The assessment included a desk review and field work with 32 peer group discussions with 317 male and female youth ages 18-28 and 52 key informant interviews with stakeholders.
The assessment identified opportunities to optimally support youth and guide USAID/Kyrgyz Republic toward a more strategic process of engagement with youth. These findings add the context of youth in the Kyrgyz Republic who will directly benefit from the refinement of the current country development cooperation strategy (CDCS), with emphasis in the areas of human trafficking and human rights, civic participation and civil society, local governance, tuberculosis, HIV, and other health services, education, and enterprise development.