Determining Education and Training Needs in Economic Sectors: Value Chain with Workforce Overlay Tool and Sister Diagram
This brief provides guidance on how and why to use two tools that are part of a larger Labor Market
Assessment Toolkit: the value chain with workforce overlay tool and the sister diagram tool. The value chain
with workforce overlay tool shows a product’s journey from production to market and which jobs are involved
along this production path. The sister diagram tool specifies what level of education is typically required for
the jobs identified in the value chain. These tools identify the nature of existing employment as well as possible
employment opportunities in a sector2, identify opportunities for individuals to upgrade their education and
skills within a sector, and by illustrating the existing education and training programs, they serve as a tool to
bridge gaps between the skills needs of the private sector and the offerings of the education system. They can
be used by, for example, educational institutions to analyze these gaps at any educational level. In the examples
provided in this brief, we illustrate how the tools were used to help tertiary technical institutions in Jamaica
hone in on the training and educational offerings demanded within and across specific sectors so they can
develop and upgrade curricula and labor market bridging programs accordingly. The visualizations can also be
helpful to young people and jobseekers who want to understand the economic opportunities in a particular
industry, the associated educational requirements, and what types of programs exist to help prepare them.