Empleando Futuros Hosts Annual Workforce Development Workshop
On May 22-24, the Empleando Futuros project hosted the second annual workforce development regional workshop in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Participants included representatives from various youth projects operating in Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua, as well as USAID officials from the region.
The three-day workshop included a variety of activities on implementing successful workforce development programs in the region. Participants reviewed the new Labor Market Assessment and learned more about Empleando Futuros’ training model, including an in-depth analysis of the project’s approach to mentoring and its Life Skills and Basic Labor Competencies trainings.
The regional workshop also included field visits so that participants could witness the project’s training and job insertion programs in action. Finally, the workshop focused on the needs of the labor market through a panel discussion with private sector representatives, who spoke about the challenges and interests of the private sector in using youth workforce development programs to meet labor market demand.
Contact: Louie Alexander