Empleando Futuros Training Model

Empleando Futuros Training Model

The Empleando Futuros project employs a positive youth development (PYD) model that builds capacity across individuals and communities to achieve Result 1: Train 7,500 at-risk youth and insert 3,750 at-risk youth into the job market. The Empleando Futuros training model includes: life skills; cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT); basic labor competencies; technical/vocational training; and job insertion. Each at-risk youth is assigned a mentor that assists him or her in staying in the training program, supports job placement, and continues to provide guidance throughout the work experience.

Access Empleando Futuros Training Model here

For more details on specific phases of the training model, see:

Competencies Route (Training Phase 1)

Empleando Futuros Competencies Route

Vocational Technical Training Route (Training Phase 2)


Empleando Futuros Technical Training Route

Job Placement Route (Training Phase 3)

Empleando Futuros Job Placement Route



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