Global and regional commitments
The importance of empowering youth to invest and benefit from responsible investments in agriculture is increasingly recognized at national, regional and global levels. As such, policy makers have taken action to empower youth to carry out and benefit from agricultural investments.
At the global level, governments have committed to “substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training” by 2030 under the Sustainable Development Goal 8 (“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”). The 4th Principle for Responsible Investment in Agriculture and Food Systems requires those involved in investment related decision making to “engage and empower youth.”
At the regional level, the 2014 African Union Malabo Declaration on Accelerated Agricultural Growth and Transformation for Shared Prosperity and Improved Livelihoods, commits member states to create job opportunities for at least 30% of youth in agricultural value chains.
Translating these global and regional commitments into action requires engaging a wide range of actors, assessing existing and needed capacities, and identifying potential solutions.
Establishing a roadmap to attract young agri-entrepreneurs in Tunisia
FAO and the Rural Economy Laboratory of the National Agricultural Research institute of Tunisia (INRAT) are undertaking a diagnosis to support the Ministry of Agriculture, Marine Resources and Fisheries in its efforts to empower youth to engage in responsible agricultural investment. This diagnosis focuses on a specific territory with high development potential (the North West) and two value chains: the olive oil and dairy goat value chains. This diagnosis will result in concrete recommendations to empower young agri-entrepreneurs in Tunisia, including through enhanced policy and incentives frameworks and support services.
After initial field-level consultations and research activities, a first multi-stakeholder workshop was organized on 14 October 2019 to share experiences and develop a vision on how to make the agriculture and agribusiness sectors more attractive for young Tunisians.