Hear insights on how young people can play an active role in designing, building, and managing public-private partnerships (PPPs).

Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Eastern Time

Key Points

  • Young people in Kenya face bureaucratic challenges when registering their businesses. Young entrepreneurs also struggle to access credit due to financial service providers targeting established enterprises, limited collateral, weak financial literacy training, and cultural myths surrounding entrepreneurship.
  • The Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) approach recognizes individuals' skills and knowledge acquired through informal or non-formal learning, and it has shown significant benefits in Kenya. Results include increased employability, reduced skills gap, improved access to higher education, enhanced self-esteem and confidence, and greater productivity.
  • In the technical and vocational education and training (TVET) ecosystem in Africa, there is often a mismatch between the skills taught and the demands of the labor market due to the lack of up-to-date information. Conducting multi-stakeholder labor market assessments to align TVET offerings with current labor market demands and provide relevant skills to students.


Watch the recording here.

Access the slides for the webinar by clicking here. See attached below. 

About the Event

The Business, Entrepreneurship, and Private Sector Engagement Community of Practice (BEPSE CoP) hosted its first webinar of its 2023 theme: private sector engagement from a youth perspective.

The Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN), a multi-stakeholder initiative committed to creating place-based systems shifts for youth economic opportunity, spoke about their Public Private Youth Partnership (PPYP) in Mombasa, Kenya. Through PPYP, GOYN equips youth with in-demand technical and business skills, enabling them to build sustainable livelihoods through wage employment. The webinar featured:

  • Moderator: Phillippa Mary | Head of Partnerships and Employer Engagement | Global Opportunity Youth Network (GOYN-Mombasa)
  • Siprosa Rabach | Head of Safal MRM Foundation | Safal MRM Foundation  
  • Denis Nyagilo | Principal | Mabati Technical Training Institute 
  • Joan Kago | Senior Training Officer | Base Titanium 

Presented by USAID's YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation Activity, the BEPSE CoP serves youth, practitioners in youth-serving organizations, and policymakers.

Photo credit: GOYN

About the Community of Practice

The YP2LE Learning Network brings together diverse stakeholders who seek to learn more and share about youth development. As one of six communities of practice, the BEPSE CoP, provides its community members with features and benefits for mutual sharing and collective learning. Learn more about the BEPSE and other CoPs on YouthPower.org and register to connect with these communities.

You must be a registered member of YouthPower.org in order to participate in the discussion group. Register today!

About YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE)

YP2LE is a USAID-funded activity focused on building and disseminating evidence on Positive Youth Development (PYD). YP2LE’s goal is to give program implementers, researchers, and young changemakers the information, tools, and resources they need to develop high-quality, impactful, and sustainable youth programs.


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The private sector plays a very important role to support microenterprise developments where the majority youth and women in many African countries are engaged. Promoting skill trainings, expanding access to finance, markets, etc are often priority interventions. Our recent in-depth assessment for CRS/USAID programme in Ethiopia identified importnat recommendations. The report is posted at UN-FAO web-site:


However, especially in patriarchal systems, more effort is needed on gender transformation, utilizing Household Methodologies to promote mutual trust and ''collaboration'' among members of the household with a view to fully utilize members' capabilities and energies...  The blog below (and the Cooments...) provide a useful introduction:


Thanks and Regards, Getaneh 

Tue, 03/28/2023 - 11:53