Youth, representing the majority of our global population, are critical to ensuring rural and agricultural livelihoods. The impacts of these livelihoods contribute to a wide range of individual and societal outcomes, ranging from employment and self-actualization to food security and sustainability. Nonetheless, youth contributions to policy, advocacy, and governance are often limited. As a result, innovative methods for ensuring youth voice and contributions to program and policy development have emerged. This panel discussion focuses on the unique challenges and opportunities to youth employment in agricultural areas and presents frameworks for ensuring youth voice in policy, advocacy and governance.

Recorded Webinar


  • Dr. Mark Brennan, UNESCO Chair for Community, Leadership, and Youth Development and Professor of Leadership and Community Development
  • Dr. Pat Dolan, Youth Voice Expert, National University of Ireland
  • Dr. Sue Vize, UNESCO Regional Adviser for Social and Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific, UNESCO
  • Dr. Kaila Thorn, Youth Researcher Expert, Penn State
  • Lilian Chiu, Youth Researcher
  • Dr. Kaila Thorn, Youth Researcher Expert, Penn State
  • Dr. Symon Chiziwa, School of Education, Chancellor College, University of Malawi
  • Dr. Gina Lontoc, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines


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