Gender and PYD Community of Practice Webinar: What Works, What Doesn't, and What's Next for Girls in Zambia?
February 23, 2017, at 9 am EST (4 pm South Africa time)
The Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program is a six-year, randomized controlled trial that set out to test different packages of social, health and economic asset building interventions for vulnerable adolescent girls in urban and rural Zambia. The study looked at a wide range of short, medium and long-term outcomes – including empowerment, gender norms, livelihoods, HIV prevalence, marriage and sexual behavior. Half-way through the study, and after a two-year intervention, the study results provide illuminating insights into what worked, what didn’t and perhaps why.
The YouthPower Learning Gender and Positive Youth Development (PYD) Community of Practice hosted a one-hour webinar led by Dr. Karen Austrian, the study’s principal investigator for the Population Council, in which she shared the study design, the mid-term results, and reflections on what this means for adolescent girls programming in Zambia.
Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program resources:
- General study website.
- Executive Summary of Midline Report.
- Full Midline Report.
- Mid-Term Findings Brief.
YouthPower Learning resources:
- Positive Youth Development Measurement Toolkit
- Illustrative Positive Youth Development Indicators
- Meta-Review of Positive Youth Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- Does Your Program Reflect Gender-Transformative or Positive Youth Development Practices? A Checklist
Karen Austrian, Ph.D., MPH – Associate, Population Council, Nairobi, Kenya
Karen Austrian leads Population Council projects designed to empower girls in east and southern Africa. She develops, implements, and evaluates programs that build girls’ protective assets, such as financial literacy, social safety nets and access to education. Austrian is the principal investigator of two large, longitudinal, randomized trials evaluating the impact of multi-sectoral programs for adolescent girls – the Adolescent Girls Initiative – Kenya and the Adolescent Girls Empowerment Program in Zambia.
About the Gender and PYD Community of Practice:
The YouthPower Learning Gender and PYD Community of Practice is a community of youth-serving individuals that promotes gender and PYD integration across development programming. The community promotes provides recommended entry points for gender transformative and PYD programs; curates gender, girl-focused, and PYD resources and tools; hosts a working group on adolescent girls to develop recommendations for gender-sensitive indicators for positive youth development programs; and hosts webinars on various topics including what youth engagement looks like in the field.