Adaptable Intervention Models
This section of the Global LEAD Toolkit provides users with examples of innovative intervention models and includes sample indicators and resources, along with a list of some of the USAID programs that use each model, to allow you to more easily develop your new activities or enhance existing ones. Programs typically integrate several of these interventions to engage young people in multiple ways and strengthen outcomes.
Each intervention model also includes recommended uses sorted by:
- Stage in the Program Cycle - all interventions in this database are program models and therefore can be used during implementation. A number of these models may also be used to engage young people in other program cycle stages, including Strategic Planning; Design; Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning; and Communications.
- Age Group - the most relevant ages/stages of youth for a particular model, based on USAID’s definition of age groups: Early Adolescence (10-14); Adolescence (15-19); Emerging Adulthood (20-24); Transition to Adulthood (25-29)
- Sector - the interventions listed here are adaptable for use across sectors, but some models may be more relevant or appropriate to certain sectors of programming. Where a strong evidence base exists, we have indicated if a particular model is NOT appropriate for a sector.
Would you like some recommendations tailored to fit your needs? Jump to Find a Model that Works for You, where you can use our filters or keyword search to dig into the database.
If you prefer to browse the entire database of intervention models, you can skip to Explore All Models.