Illustrative Tools to Measure PYD Effectiveness
Annex F in the printed version of the toolkit compiles tools that can be used to help program implementers measure PYD effectiveness within youth-focused programs. Most of the tools identified are relatively low in cost, easy to use, have good evidence of reliability and validity and either have already been used in the international context or have potential to be used in developing countries. Each reference sheet should be used in conjunction with the PYD Measurement Toolkit, specifically the PYD Illustrative Indicators Table (Annex E in the printed version of the toolkit) and the PYD Measurement Sources Table (Annex G in the printed version of the toolkit).
The measures and indicators in the PYD Measurement Toolkit are designed to be used across multiple sectors and within a variety of programs for youth – from those implementing a sexual and reproductive health program to those implementing a democracy and governance program. In most cases, the toolkit includes more than one measure for any particular indicator. Selecting a measure or measures should be based on its appropriateness to the context (culture, age, gender, circumstances of participants) and any previous evidence of validity in this context. Many of the measures are scales that were originally developed and validated in English-speaking countries.
For each tool, Section 1 contains information on the measurement sources including a brief description, target age group for the tool, the relevant tool items that link to the illustrative indicators and source citation. Section 2 lists illustrative indicators that were created by the YouthPower Learning Team and the Youth Engagement Community of Practice. Section 3 presents two youth-specific Foreign Assistance Indicators (also called “F-indicators”), which are mandatory in USAID programs. Two pilot USAID youth indicators are also included.
Illustrative Tool Description Format:
Complementing YouthPower Learning’s comprehensive PYD Measurement framework, YouthPower Action has conducted two forthcoming studies focused specifically on “soft skills” for cross-sectoral youth development. More information about the YouthPower Action research can be found at https:// and http://www.
Go to:
> Home: PYD toolkit
> A framework for measuring PYD;
> A set of illustrative PYD indicators
> Application of PYD framework and indicators at each phase of a program design and evaluation:
>> Phase 1. Define (or refine) key desired outcomes or research questions
>> Phase 2. Determine PYD features and beneficiaries of the program
>> Phase 3. Finalize the logic model
>> Phase 4. Decide what to measure, and how (study design and indicators)
>> Phase 5. Analyze the data, disseminate the findings and adapt your program
> Considerations for adapting measures cross-culturally
> Additional resources and references
> FAQs
> PYD Glossary