CreaBlocs is an open innovation model of adaptive, modular/stackable and tech-driven learning…
Cybergirl and Cyberboy are digital education and communications campaigns that use technology to…
Advisory Boards of Children (ABC) is a child participation model established at district/national…
In Nicaragua's Caribbean Coast, the Aprendo y Emprendo project has formed a Youth Advisory Council…
MAST is a suite of tools for mapping and documenting land and resource rights. MAST combines an…
As part of USAID/OTI Nigeria Regional Transition Initiative (NRTI), Creative the NorthEast…
The World Smarts STEM Challenge pairs high school teachers and students from different countries on…
USAID assisted the Government of Paraguay in hosting hackathons, public competitions in which youth…
The Savings and Internal Lending Communities equipped youth with the skills and opportunities to…
For 4 years, Advisory Boards of Children (ABCs) have played substantive roles in assessing…
The USAID-funded Sharekna Project is working with youth & communities in Tunisia to strengthen…
We use technology, agency of youth, and locals knowledge. Participatory youth…