Inspire, Influence and Inform: A Video Series Highlighting Young People’s Role in Positive Youth Development Programs

The videos produced by Restless Development, made possible by a grant from the YouthPower Learning project, address the benefits, impacts, best practices, and challenges of youth engagement. The material aims to inspire and influence the development sector regarding the importance and benefits of youth engagement and provide strategies for success. The grantee produced a series of interconnected videos on multiple elements of youth engagement through which an audience member can learn and explore. The videos answer a series of key questions and topics, determined by the experience of the grantees and featuring the grantee’s networks of young people who have been engaged in, and lead, the programs.

Video 1: The Three Lens Approach to Working for and with Youth

Video 2: How to Engage Youth in All Stages of the Program Cycle (Uganda)

Video 3: Tips on Engaging Youth in the Program Cycle (Uganda)

Video 4: How to Inspire and Enable Young People to Lead Long-Term Programs (Tanzania)

Video 5: Engaging Young People in Development Leads to Better Outcomes (Nepal)

Video 6: What does Meaningful Youth Engagement Look Like? (Youth Generated Content)

Video 7: Young Women Ending Discrimination on the Streets of Delhi (Youth-made video)


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