There is a growing trend toward integrated youth Workforce Development (WfD) and Family Planning and Reproductive Health (FPRH) interventions. However, there has been limited work conducted to date to understand the impact of these cross sectoral interventions. To fill this gap, YouthPower Action reviewed integrated WfD and FPRH projects and created a typology of existing integrated programs. See findings in the Assessment of Integrated Workforce Development and Sexual and Reproductive Health Interventions.
Following completion of the assessment, YouthPower Action is carrying out research to build additional evidence around the theory of change proposed in the assessment report. It is carrying out a cluster-randomized impact evaluation to determine whether there is a higher return on investment (e.g., in terms of FPRH and WfD outcomes) with integrated interventions relative to a single-sector focus, a program that only implements a workforce development program. The research includes a process evaluation to fill knowledge gaps identified in the assessment. The research is being carried out on the Skills to Succeed program in Bangladesh that is implemented by Save the Children.