Meeting the unmet health care needs of young people poses a continuing challenge for health systems worldwide, yet it is critical to containing the AIDS epidemic and reducing unintended pregnancies. An integrated approach to the delivery of reproductive health care expands youth access to health care by making multiple services available at the same facility, during the same hours, and often from the same provider. Integrated services for young people address the two major risks associated with unprotected sex-that is, unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS. In addition, some integrated programs address other issues, such as sexual abuse or maternal and child health care.
This report highlights tools that managers can use to integrate reproductive health, family planning, and HIV/AIDS services for young people. The tools described here, and the examples that illustrate their use, are drawn from USAID and other donor-funded programs. The tools are designed to help programs: make integrated services youth-friendly-that is, increase their ability to attract and retain young clients, train providers on how to offer integrated services to young people, develop job aids that help providers offer a wider range of services, and raise awareness of and gain community support for integrated services for young people.