USAID Positive Youth Development Mini Training
This session led by USAID consisted of a ‘mini-training’ geared to strengthen basic understanding of Positive Youth Development approaches and how to incorporate these into workforce development project design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Participants also learned about opportunities to take a cross-sectoral approach when designing workforce programs.
Michael McCabe, Agency Youth Coordinator, USAID (USA)
Nancy Taggart, Senior Youth and Workforce Advisor, USAID (USA)
Amy Ucello, Technical Advisor, USAID (USA)
Taly Lind, Senior Advisor, Civil Society and Media, USAID/DRG (USA)
Kristin O'Planick, Market Systems & Enterprise Development Specialist, Bureau for Economic Growth, Education and Environment, USAID (USA)
Rachel Goldberg, Youth and Culture Advisor, Middle East Bureau, USAID (USA)