Watch the launch of the YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE) Workforce Outcomes Reporting Questionnaire (WORQ) discussion group.
We launched the Workforce Outcomes Reporting Questionnaire (WORQ) discussion group on Wednesday, March 31 from 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time. This discussion group is open to USAID, implementing partners, and local organizations to discuss USAID’s WORQ, which provides a standardized approach to capturing youth’s employment status and earnings. Though the WORQ was developed and refined through testing and piloting in five countries, only continuous learning can ensure the quality of the data the WORQ produces.
This event will serve as the launch of this discussion group, which will provide a platform for collaboration, learning, adapting, and implementing the WORQ. During the launch participants will hear from USAID and partners involved in the development and implementation of the WORQ to identify discussions surrounding challenges, opportunities, and questions that arise from the deployment of the WORQ and contribute to its continuous development.
About the Discussion Group
YP2LE spent the first six months of 2020 listening and co-designing with members of the YouthPower Learning Network, and we are pleased to announce the refreshed YP2LE Learning Network with several new features and benefits.
The WORQ Discussion Group aims to discuss challenges, opportunities, and questions that arise from the implementation of the WORQ and contribute to its continuous development.
A suite of tools and resources—including a video describing the WORQ and a Guide for Local Partners—can be found on Edulinks: Toolkit for Measuring Employment and Earnings Using the Workforce Outcomes Reporting Questionnaire (WORQ)
Join the WORQ Discussion Group to connect with others in the community! You must be a registered member of in order to participate in the discussion. (Instructions: How to join a discussion group and how to engage with its members).