This evaluation of CARE International’s Adolescent Girls Education in Somalia (AGES) programme concludes a four-and-a-half-year effort to track the programme’s impact on various cohorts of girl learners. The evaluation is preceded by three previous evaluations: a baseline (BL) round in late 2019, a Midline 1 (ML1) round in early 2022, and a Midline 2 (ML2) round in early 2023.

Three key outcomes for girls are measured through this study:

  1. Learning outcomes, as measured by numeracy and literacy skills
  2. Transitions outcomes, measured by girls’ trajectories since first surveyed, such as whether a girl has progressed in grade levels, or secured gainful employment after their participation in the AGES programme
  3. Sustainable change emerging from shifts in social norms at the community and individual level, as well as strengthened institutional capacities to support inclusive education


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