The Making of Sexual Violence: How Does a Boy Grow Up to Commit Rape? Evidence from Five IMAGES Countries
This report shares data from the International Men and Gender Equality Study (IMAGES) study and builds on previous evidence regarding the tremendous levels of sexual violence that women and girls face around the world. This violence takes many forms, occurs in all types of households, is endemic to “peacetime” as well as conflict, and has devastating intergenerational effects. At the same time, the report identifies factors that point the way towards policies and programs to prevent violence before it happens and to mitigate its harmful effects. The men interviewed in the IMAGES study reported rates of perpetrating sexual violence that in most cases met or exceeded the level of violence reported by women. Male respondents’ attitudes related to gender spanned a range of views, from the rigidly traditional to the more progressive and equitable. This suggests that men across the world hold diverse, shifting views about how men and women should relate (2014).