The new Mental Health and Psychosocial Support for Marginalized and Underrepresented Groups Toolkit is a complement and an accompaniment to the Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Youth Programming Toolkit, establishing guidance and tools for working with marginalized and underrepresented communities, inclusive of youth in those communities, around the globe. These tools are complementary and should be used in tandem.
The frameworks in this toolkit focus on the process for how to engage marginalized and underrepresented groups in programming. The former Integrating Mental Health Toolkit introduced core frameworks that guide and drive USAID-supported MHPSS programming, including USAID’s Positive Youth Development (PYD) Framework and IASC’s MHPSS Intervention Pyramid. This toolkit will expand on those frameworks by introducing a rights-based approach to mental health, providing guidance on the do-no-harm principle for MHPSS, and using the continuum of care.