20 years on from the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC),evidence suggests an alarming lack of progress in achieving children’s fundamental rights to grow up in a loving family environment.Research,particularly from less developed regions, shows a substantial and growing number of children without parental care, with devastating impacts on children’s rights. In recognition of this problem,child rights activists have campaigned for the 20th anniversary to coincide with the agreement of UN guidelines aimed at preventing family separation, and ensuring appropriate care for girls and boys who are without parental care.

The full implementation of these guidelines is urgently needed as governments,and many of those working in international development,are not doing enough to address the pressing problem of children without parental care. EveryChild has made a strategic decision to focus all of its work on this vulnerable group.This paper draws on EveryChild’s programmes in 17 countries, and on an extensive literature review and consultations with over 400 children.It argues that children without parental care must be mainstreamed,rather than missing from the international development agenda.


Your name


     Aptly, I am from Nigeria in the part of north west where banditry and kidnapping is daily routine in the news and social media which is new norm to t community.

   I personally have /control a private health laboratory were we normally encounter (IDP's camp) internal displaced persons camp for medical outreach of viral disease (HIV,HEPATITIS A,B,&C ).

    Majority of these children who were born in the camp and some were refugee,have no dimension of future goal.


   Child parental education is most priority in a society; This need mobilization in worshipping centre,traditional ruler need more orientation for more awareness, health personals they are proximate to the community people which mobilisation is utmost needed.  



     In northern part of nigeria, as i cited in the first paragraph. children lack dimension of good parenting due to some factors;

husband wife dispute: if a child grows up seeing their parent with internal dispute it is a psychological inducement to them  which can lead a certain time  to a child woud become rigorous rude in the society because they can't control their self not to control them, 

Job flexibility;  mothers time is paramount over her children, time constrain most e efficient to her children 


Idps camp; This need a total technical approach to tackle the menace.  

Education of parent and children

Social engagement because some are delt with hypnosis,or are traumatise. 




Sun, 08/14/2022 - 21:02