This report details the work of EDC’s Proyecto METAS to improve education for employment, learning, and success in Honduras. METAS aims to provide the young people of Honduras with the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skills for life and work, and the attitudes, behaviors, and perspective necessary to create positive and promising futures. The project supports technical high schools and vocational training programs by helping them create and deliver relevant, up-to-date curricula. The project aims to issue workforce readiness certificates to 20,000 graduates of the schools and centers and to increase graduates’ employment opportunities through alliances with private sector businesses. By improving alternative middle and high school programs, METAS expects to reach 10,000 out-of school youth. With local partners, METAS recruits 2,000 at-risk youth annually for enrollment in basic education, technical training, and long-term employability programs, helping them to be better prepared to enter the workforce