Morocco Cross-Sectoral Youth Assessment Brief Cover

Youth are the foundation of a prosperous future for Morocco. However, they confront growing risks from a combination of education; economic and workforce development; civic engagement and participatory governance; and community resilience challenges.

To understand these challenges more clearly, YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE) conducted a cross-sectoral youth assessment (CSYA) that began June 2020, at the request of USAID/Morocco. The results of the youth assessment were intended to provide USAID/Morocco with a recent update on the current context for youth aged 15-34 and provide input into future strategies and programs within the Country Development Cooperation Strategy (CDCS) framework, particularly regarding youth contributions to Morocco’s development. The assessment paid special attention to advancing the ‘Journey to Self-Reliance’ (J2SR) via efforts to enhance youth participation in local and national governance and youth employability. Many of the findings can be applied more broadly for anyone working with youth in Morocco.


View the full report in English here.


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