Handbooks and Job Aids
Guidance and tools for use “on-the-job” by health providers, peer educators, advocates, or other implementers. These tools are generally succinct and task-specific.
Adolescent Girls and Young Women Mentoring Program Toolkit
YouthPower Action, 2018
(mental and emotional health, peer support)
A comprehensive toolkit for training, supporting, and monitoring mentors for adolescent girls and young women on topics including HIV/AIDS and sexual and reproductive health alongside soft skills, financial capacities, violence prevention, and other topics.
Adolescent Job Aid: A Handy Desk Reference Tool for Primary Health Workers
WHO, 2010
(health services)
Available in English, Albanian, Chinese, and French from WHO.
ART Literacy Series
SafAIDS, 2008
(positive living)
This series of 8 booklets, a trainer of trainers manual, handouts, and activities is designed to help children and adolescents living with HIV understand and take ownership of their HIV treatment.
Developing and Strengthening Care and Support Services for Adolescents Living with HIV
UNICEF, 2016
(health services)
A handbook for health practitioners and guidance for policy makers to manage service protocols for adolescents living with HIV.
Disclosure of HIV Status Toolkit for Pediatric and Adolescent Populations
Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, 2018
(health services)
A reference tool and job aid for service providers and other care workers serving pediatric and adolescent populations living with HIV. Available in English, French, and Portuguese from Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation.
Gender-Based Violence Quality Assurance Tool
JHPIEGO, CDC, and WHO, 2018
(health services)
Implementation guidance and job aid for health providers and facility managers to assure minimum standards of high-quality post-violence care. Includes standard tool, minimum care tool, and facilitation guidance for planners. Available in English and French from JHPIEGO.
GIYPA Roadmap: Supporting Young People Living with HIV to be Meaningfully Engaged in the HIV Response
Global Network of People Living with HIV, 2012
A handbook for young advocates to connect to and engage with the HIV response.
Global Standards for Quality Health Care Services for Adolescents
WHO, 2015
(health services)
A four volume set of references for policy makers and health program managers including standards, an implementation guide, and tools for monitoring and evaluation of health services. Available in English, French, and Spanish from WHO.
Guideline on HIV Disclosure Counselling for Children up to 12 Years of Age
WHO, 2011
(health services)
Healthy, Happy, and Hot: A Young Person’s Guide to Their Rights, Sexuality, and Living with HIV
IPPF, 2010
(positive living)
A simple handbook for adolescents living with HIV to understand their rights and how they relate to HIV disclosure and navigating their sexual lives safely. Available in English, French, and Spanish from IPPF.
Human Rights Education in Primary and Secondary School Systems: A Self-Assessment Guide for Governments
UNESCO, 2012
(research and policy guidance)
Index Testing and Partner Notification for Adolescent Girls and Young Women
YouthPower Learning, 2019
(health services)
A desk reference tool and service scripts for health providers for integrated violence screening, partner notification, and index testing services with adolescent girls and young women.
Integrated Management of Adolescent and Adult Illness (IMAI) Sharespace
(health services)
Online repository for clinical tools and standards related to care and treatment of adolescents and adults living with HIV. Requires registration.
Managing Grief and Loss
Frontline AIDS, 2019
(mental and emotional health, peer support)
Leaflet for peer supporters with tools to help young people living with and affected by HIV manage grief and loss.
Mapping the HIV Response for Women and Girls
Athena Network, 2012
(research and policy guides)
A guide for policy advocates to the UNAIDS Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women, Girls, Gender Equality, and HIV.
My Living Positively Handbook
Children’s Rights Center, 2007
(positive living)
A handbook for children living with HIV and companion book for parents, caregivers, social workers, health providers, and others.
Positive Connections: Leading Information and Support Groups for Adolescents Living with HIV
FHI 360, 2013
(mental and emotional health, peer support, positive living)
A facilitator’s guide, lesson plans, and evaluation tool for running support groups with adolescents living with HIV.
Positive Health, Dignity, and Prevention
Global Network of People living HIV, 2017
(positive living)
A series of tools developed to help people living with HIV, their organizations, and networks to describe, advocate for, and implement positive health, dignity, and prevention in their communities. The series includes policy standards, guidance for people living with HIV, and operational guidelines.
Pyschosocial Wellbeing Series
(mental and emotional health)
A series of 10 handbooks, facilitator guides, advocacy tools, and implementation tools focused on mainstreaming psychosocial care and support into pediatric and adolescent HIV care and treatment.
Stigma and Self-Stigma
Frontline AIDS, 2019
(mental and emotional health, peer support)
Leaflet of advice to peer supporters to help young people living with HIV cope with stigma and self-stigma.
Toolkit for Transition of Care and Other Services for Adolescents Living with HIV
AIDSTAR-One, 2014
(health services, mental and emotional health)
Resources including a training manual and handbook for providers focused on transitioning adolescents living with HIV to adult care.
Understanding, Accepting, and Disclosing Your HIV Status
Frontline AIDS, 2019
(positive living)
A series of three leaflets designed to help young people living with HIV understand and accept their HIV status, and decide whether and how they want to share it with others.
#WhatWomenWant: A Toolkit for Putting Accountability into Action
Athena Network, 2018
(research and policy guidance, rights)
This toolkit for advocates interested in accountability at all levels includes activities and modules on participatory action research, community engagement, policy change, and more.
Youth Participation Guide: Assessment, Planning, and Implementation
Family Health International, Advocates for Youth, and UNFPA, 2008
Training and implementation tools for mid- to senior-level managers and staff to increase meaningful youth participation in reproductive health and HIV/AIDS programming.