Implementation Guides
Programming principles and guidelines for developing services, outreach, or advocacy with and for adolescents living with HIV.
Adolescent HIV Testing, Counselling and Care
WHO, 2014
(health services)
An online interactive resource for health providers and planners.
Building Futures: Supporting Youth Living with HIV Technical Assistance Toolkit
US Health Resources and Services Administration HIV/AIDS Bureau, 2018
(health services, mental and emotional health)
Technical assistance toolkit for health clinic managers and providers planning holistic support for adolescents and young people living with HIV.
Changing Laws that Discriminate
UNAIDS, 2019
A brief for understanding how discrimination is coded in laws and steps to take to change laws for advocates, implementers, funders, and policy makers.
Consolidated Guideline on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women Living with HIV
WHO, 2017
A guideline for policy-makers and implementers plan, develop, and monitor programs and services that promote gender equality and human rights. Available in English, French, Portuguese, and Russian from WHO.
Developing and Strengthening Care and Support Services for Adolescents Living with HIV
UNICEF, 2016
(health services)
A handbook for health practitioners and guidance for policy makers to manage service protocols for adolescents living with HIV.
Ending the the AIDS Epidemic for Adolescents, with Adolescents: A Practical Guide to Meaningfully Engage Adolescents in the AIDS Response
UNAIDS, 2016
Guidance for program designers, implementers, policy and decision-makers on how to meaningfully engage adolescents in the AIDS response and broader health programming.
Foundation for the Future: Meeting the Psychosocial Needs of Children Living with HIV
AIDSTAR-One, 2011
(mental and emotional health)
A technical brief covering best practices and including implementation recommendations for integrating the pyschosocial needs of adolescents living with HIV into clinical and other program initiatives.
Gender-Based Violence Quality Assurance Tool
JHPIEGO, CDC, and WHO, 2018
(health services)
Implementation guidance and job aid for health providers and facility managers to assure minimum standards of high-quality post-violence care. Includes standard tool, minimum care tool, and facilitation guidance for planners. Available in English and French from JHPIEGO.
Gender, Rights, and Diversity: Connecting the Pieces
Athena Network, 2015
(research and policy guidance, rights)
A collection of 10 opportunities to strengthen women’s engagement with the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria, drawn from a series of dialogues with women living with HIV conducted by the Athena Network and partners.
GIYPA Roadmap: Supporting Young People Living with HIV to be Meaningfully Engaged in the HIV Response
Global Network of People Living with HIV, 2012
A handbook for young advocates to connect to and engage with the HIV response.
Global Accelerated Action for the Health of Adolescents (AA-HA!)
WHO, 2017
(research and policy guidance)
Guidance for policy-makers, programmers, funders, and advocates on integrated, cross-sectoral adolescent health and development. Available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish from WHO, with additional materials in Arabic, Chinese, and Russian.
Global Standards for Quality Health Care Services for Adolescents
WHO, 2015
(health services)
A four volume set of references for policy makers and health program managers including standards, an implementation guide, and tools for monitoring and evaluation of health services. Available in English, French, and Spanish from WHO.
HIV and Adolescents: Guidance for HIV Testing and Counselling and Care for Adolescents Living with HIV
WHO, 2013
(health services)
Recommendations for policy-makers and program managers on a public health approach for adolescents living with HIV.
HIV and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights: Visions, Voices, and Priorities of Young People Living With and Most Affected by HIV
LinkUP, Athena Network, and Global Youth Coalition on HIV/AIDS
(research and policy guidance)
A collection of case studies, best practices, vision statements, and targeted recommendations for improving access to sexual and reproductive health and rights for young people living with HIV.
Human Rights Education in Primary and Secondary School Systems: A Self-Assessment Guide for Governments
UNESCO, 2012
(research and policy guidance)
International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education: An Evidence-informed Approach
(peer support, rights)
Summary of the evidence and globally agreed definitions, standards, and key topics for comprehensive sexuality education. Available in English, Russian, Chinese, French, Spanish, Burmese, Thai, Portuguese, and Mongolian from UNESCO.
Make it Matter: 10 Key Advocacy Messages to Prevent HIV in Girls and Young Women
IPPF, 2007
Mapping the HIV Response for Women and Girls
Athena Network, 2012
(research and policy guidance)
A guide for policy advocates to the UNAIDS Agenda for Accelerated Country Action for Women, Girls, Gender Equality, and HIV.
More Positive Living
WHO, 2008
(health services)
Recommendations on a health-sector response and best practices for providing care for adolescents living with HIV.
Package of Care for People Living with HIV
ICAP, 2012
(health services)
Summary of evidence and list of core interventions to guide service planners and program implementers.
Positive Health, Dignity, and Prevention
Global Network of People living HIV, 2017
(positive living)
A series of tools developed to help people living with HIV, their organizations, and networks to describe, advocate for, and implement positive health, dignity, and prevention in their communities. The series includes policy standards, guidance for people living with HIV, and operational guidelines.
Positive Prevention: Prevention Strategies for People Living with HIV
IPPF, the Family Planning Association of India, and the Indian Network for People Living with HIV/AIDS, 2010
(positive living)
This guidance is designed for networks of people living with HIV and organizations serving them, and includes key principles, programming pillars, and strategies for implementing positive prevention.
Protecting Children Affected by HIV/AIDS against Abuse, Exploitation, and Violence
AIDSTAR-One, 2011
(research and policy guidance, rights)
A program and implementation guide for understanding the risks for abuse, exploitation and violence for adolescents living with HIV and implementing child protection within PEPFAR and other programs.
Pyschosocial Wellbeing Series
(mental and emotional health)
A series of 10 handbooks, facilitator guides, advocacy tools, and implementation tools focused on mainstreaming psychosocial care and support into pediatric and adolescent HIV care and treatment.
SRH and HIV Linkages Compendium: Indicators and Related Assessment Tools
IPPF, UNFPA, and WHO, 2014
(research and policy guidance)
A focused set of indicators and assessment tools for tracking the links between SRH and HIV programs at national and sub-national level.
Translating Community Research into Global Policy Reform for National Action: A Checklist for Community Engagement to Implement the WHO Consolidated Guideline on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Women living with HIV
WHO, 2018
(research and policy guidance)
Young People Living with HIV: A Collection and Review of the Resources for Health Workers Around the World
Pathfinder, 2015
(health services, research and policy guidance)
A compendium of free online resources available for implementers to improve services available to adolescents and young people living with HIV.
Youth-led Organizations and and SRHR: A Step by Step Guide to Creating Sustainable Youth-led Organizations working on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
CHOICE for Youth and Sexuality and the Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights, 2011
A guide covering strategic planning, fundraising, communications, organizational management, decision-making, and governance for youth advocates interested in forming their own organizations.
Youth Participation and Leadership: An Effective Tool in Combatting HIV/AIDS in Southern Africa
Student Partnership Worldwide, 2010
Guidance for engaging youth advocates in National AIDS Authorities, drawing on positive examples and best practices from East and Southern Africa.
Youth Participation Guide: Assessment, Planning, and Implementation
Family Health International, Advocates for Youth, and UNFPA, 2008
Training and implementation tools for mid- to senior-level managers and staff to increase meaningful youth participation in reproductive health and HIV/AIDS programming.