This report is a synthesis of the literature review undertaken as the first step of assessing the current landscape on the economic opportunities and barriers for young people in the health and social services sectors in Mozambique. The findings of this report will guide stage II of the assessment, involving multiple stakeholder interviews, online surveys, youth focus groups, and polling. The study was commissioned by the US government’s Women’s Global Development and Prosperity (W-GDP) Initiative and the Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-Free, Mentored, and Safe (DREAMS) partnership.
The team reviewed over 100 documents. The search strategy was designed to access grey and peer-reviewed literature, including literature related to the education, workforce, health, and social sector values chains in southern Africa and Mozambique. The initial literature search included specialized bibliographic databases as well as collections maintained by international development organizations and donors. Data were also extrapolated from World Bank databases to help provide insight on trends and connections and predict future trends. The major limitation experienced was the lack of literature on how to engage young people in health and social services sector employment.
View the Recommended Strategic Priorities: Youth Employment in the Mozambique Health and Social Services Sector report.