Season 2 | Episode 3 – A Ray of Hope: Ineza Grace Lights the Path Toward Inclusive Environmentalism

Ecofeminist Ineza Umuhoza Grace says it is going to take the inclusion of youth and women to truly protect the environment and have climate justice for all. In this episode, we dive into the challenges young leaders of color confront when growing their organizations while trying to avoid the trappings of tokenism. Plus, Ineza shares how her organization, The Green Protector, is contributing to Rwanda’s sustainable development and inspiring the next generation of climate justice warriors. 


About this Podcast 

The PYD Lab is the podcast for implementers and young leaders who want to examine innovative approaches to Positive Youth Development and hear stories of young people leading change in their communities.  

The bi-monthly podcast features changemakers working on youth-related projects around the globe. Each episode includes three new PYD resource recommendations:   

  • Published reading source recommended on a youth development-related topic (book, article, report).  
  • A resource authored by or a project gaining traction led by a Young leader.   
  • Disruptive, innovative idea or resource that does or will tackle a youth-related challenge.  

Hosted By journalist and YP2LE Communications Manager Natasha Zena, this podcast is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), under the terms of YouthPower2: Learning and Evaluation Contract. The content and opinions expressed in this podcast are the sole responsibility of the guests and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.  


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