The Youth in Peace and Security Community of Practice (CoP) met on Thursday, January 25, 2018 in person and online to network, prioritize the CoP's focus for the year, and learn about Equal Access International's "White Dove" radio project in Nigeria.



9:15        Networking and online introductions
9:30        Welcome (CoP Co-Champions, Maria Brindlmayer and Jen Heeg)
9:35        CoP Updates (CoP Co-Champions, Maria Brindlmayer and Jen Heeg)
9:40        Breakout sessions (including an online group).  Questions for breakout groups to discuss:On what topics should the CoP focus this year? 
               In what formats should the CoP interact/operate and with what frequency? 10:05     Reconvene in plenary.  Each of the groups presents, followed by plenary discussion. 
10:30     White Dove radio project in Nigeria: presentation by Equal Access International, followed by discussion (see details below)
11:00     Meeting Adjourned


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