Report on the Analysis of Findings

Overall objective:

This research project, funded by YouthPower Learning, aims to contribute to building and strengthening resilience of the youth in the communes of Bourem Inaly and Lafia in Mali by conducting research to establish a baseline on the root causes or factors that drive youth from candidates for violent extremism to radicalization. 

The study was conducted in a context of quest for peace where important questions are raised in relation to cohabitation (living together again, forgiveness, peace and reconciliation) between populations who were played one against another by "jihadists" and rebels.


The participatory study was conducted by YouthPower Learning Grantee, AMSS in Mali, in various communes with the full involvement of all stakeholders. It was a great learning opportunity. The various stakeholders pledged to implement the various actions identified as potential solutions. These actions are outlined in the tables below.

The study aimed to help answer the following research questions:

  • How many youth are trained in civic engagement and governance?
  • How many youth are civically engaged and active in governance?
  • How many youth report to their local organizations/associations/groups?
  • Are you confident in the future of youth in your community?
  • What makes youth more active in local development?
  • Is there a way to involve youth in the management of local affairs?
  • Is there an accountability mechanism between authorities in charge of local development and youth?
  • Are there job opportunities in your community?
  • Do jobs provide for the needs of youth and/or their families?
  • Do you trust/have confidence in the locally elected officials?
  • What is your level of satisfaction with locally elected officials regarding the management of local public affairs?
  • Do you have any proposals or suggestions to make to the locally elected officials for the management of local affairs?
  • Who is (the most) exposed to risks of radicalization leading to VE in the communities (most vulnerable people)?
  • Do you trust youth as a vehicle for change?
  • What are the reasons or factors/drivers of radicalization of these people?
  • Which communities are affected and what are the most effective ways to mitigate radicalization that leads to VE?
  • What are the resilience factors for youth aged 18 to 35 years in the face of radicalization and violent extremism in your community?
  • What are the resilience factors for women over 35 years relating to radicalization and violent extremism in your community?
  • What are the greatest challenges facing youth and women (or communities) in your respective communes?


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