A Review of USAID YouthPower Activities Report coverThis document presents a review of activities implemented under the USAID YouthPower project. The overall purpose of this review is to generate the lessons learned related to USAID’s application of positive youth development (PYD) approaches over the past five years.  It covers 11 activities at the country level, plus lessons learned from select USAID’s global research in PYD and youth engagement efforts.  While the majority of activities (6 of the 11) were considered primarily “workforce development” activities, interventions spanned across more than 16 different sectors including education, economic growth, violence prevention, health, and civic participation.  More than 215,000 youth were served by the 11 YouthPower activities covered under this review.  The total value of the 11 activities was nearly $216 million, with an average project size of roughly $18 million.

Please find it below, alongside its companion report, From Theory to Practice: Applying the USAID Positive Youth Development Framework Across Eleven Activities.


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