About this innovation

Innovation Stats
What phase of development is your innovation currently in?: Stage 5: Market Growth
Potential Lives Impacted: 3265000
Actual Lives Impacted: 653000
Where did you create your innovation?: Pakistan
Where have you implemented your innovation?: Pakistan
In what sectors does your innovation belong?: Health and Wellbeing
Topic: Other

In The News

Provide a status update for your Innovation.

- Raised seed funding of 500,000$ from private investor, GSMA Fund, Amplify Grant and other sources.

How does your innovation work?

Keeping in view SDGS 3 (Good Health and Wellbeing), SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 11 (Sustainable cities and communities), Sehat Kahani aims to democratize healthcare by building an all-female health provider network to deliver quality healthcare solutions via three verticals:

1) E- health hub model - enabling access: By using trusted female frontline intermediaries in the communities and dormant health infrastructure, Sehat Kahani creates e- health hubs where a front line worker is trained via a 5 step training on medical knowledge, leadership and soft skills to connects patients in these hubs to qualified home based female physicians and skills specialists using video consultation and electronic medical records systems. These e-hubs cater to the primary health care needs of the community by providing weekly ultrasound service, lab collection points, pharmacy and tertiary care referral. Impact till date : Currently constitutes a network of 14 e- health hubs across Pakistan (7 in Karachi, 3 in Sindh, 3 in KPK and 1 in Punjab) which have served more than 53,000 patients directly and 265,000 beneficiaries indirectly in the last 3 years and generated a gross income of $10000 in 2017.

2) Preventive health portfolio – enabling outreach: Sehat kahani, through its preventive health care portfolio, creates innovative preventive health care messaging activities in target communities to bring out a long-term change in behaviors and health patterns. Collaboratively, with pharmaceuticals and corporates, we have implemented campaigns on hygiene, sanitation, calcium awareness, primary disease counseling, mental health, maternal and child health care. Impact till date: We are currently working with 4 major corporate partners (namely GSK, Engro polymer, Engro foods and lifebuoy). We have impacted 600,000 lives directly and 3,000,000 beneficiaries indirectly, generating a gross income of more than $133,000 in 2017.

3) Sehat kahani Application – improving efficiency: Through our specialized tele-health Mobile Application we aim to design digital health solutions to reduce the disease load of tertiary care hospitals by treating primary and secondary diseases via virtual home based female physicians. Whether it is a consumer needing a consultation at odd hours, corporate employee having a need of mental wellness, insurer looking for cost effective health solution for its clients or doctors trying to reach out to more patients via virtual flexible clinics, our platform has solution for all of them in less than 3 clicks.Impact till date:Sehat Kahani initiated its first contract with Unilever on 10th October 2017 and has seen more than 100 clients so far. Other corporates have also shown interest in using the application and contract maturity is expected by Q3 of 2018.

What Evidence do you have that your Innovation works?

- Impacted more than 653,000 lives 

- Cash flow positive 

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