Slides & Recording:Youth Engagement Community of Practice (CoP) Meeting (Nov. 1, 2017)
As an introduction to this year’s CoP theme, ‘Diversity and Inclusion,’ World Learning presented their Transforming Agency, Access, and Power (TAAP) Inclusion Approach and forthcoming TAAP Toolkit.TAAP helps practitioners design inclusive projects and programs and could be of use to all our communities of practice as we work to identify and reach marginalized communities. The TAAP Toolkit, expected to be released in early 2018, is designed for adaption in different environments and contexts and provides a framework and practical tools to integrate social inclusion in program design, implementation, and learning.
Creative Associates, who offered its offices for this meeting, also offered to give an introductory presentation on their YouthPower programs, and kicked off the meeting with a brief overview of their public health approach to reducing violence, including the utilization of outreach centers and secondary prevention that focuses on family counseling to reduce youth recruitment into gangs. Creative is applying this approach in its YouthPower programs in the Eastern and Southern Caribbean (Community, Family, and Youth Resilience Program (CYFR)) and Nicaragua (Technical Vocational Education and Training Strengthening for At-Risk Youth -- TVET SAY), as well as in Tunisia.
To wrap up the meeting, CoP members brainstormed specific goals, activities, and speakers for the upcoming year’s focus on youth diversity. CoP members provided thoughtful recommendations for actionable strategies for practitioners and researchers to intentionally and meaningfully engage marginalized and disadvantaged populations.
Access the slides here