Tackling the Taboo focuses on the need to address patriarchal control of adolescent girls’ sexuality
in the fight against child, early and forced marriage and unions, and highlights the vital role played
by gender-transformative programmes. The report presents findings from a review of 23
organizations that work at the intersection of child marriage and sexuality, and includes three case
studies that feature the work of grassroots organizations working in politically and culturally
conservative contexts.

Tackling the Taboo is intended as a learning tool for practitioners, a guide for future research
opportunities, a call to action for funders, and an advocacy tool for engaging in dialogue with
policymakers and leaders.

The report was produced by the CEFM and Sexuality Programs Working Group: American Jewish
World Service (AJWS), CARE, CREA, Global Fund for Women, Girls Not Brides: The Global Partnership to End Child Marriage, GreeneWorks, International Center for Research, on Women (ICRW), International Women’s Health Coalition (IWHC), Nirantar Trust, Plan International, Population Council and Promundo-US.

To download the Full Report in English and Summary Report in English, French and Spanish, click here. (Redirects to GirlsNotBrides website)


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