Research and Evidence
Sectors: Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance, Civic Engagement, Countering Violent Extremism (CVE)/Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), Economic Growth and Trade, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Leadership Development, Livelihoods Development, Skills & Labor Training, Workforce Development, Education, School-to-Work Transition, Soft or Life Skills, Social Emotional Skills, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Testing & Assessment, Workforce Development Training, Youth, Asset Building, Positive Youth Development, Youth Leadership
Sectors: Democracy, Human Rights, and Governance, Peace and Stability, Conflict, Displacement, Civil Society, Human Rights, Migration, Refugees, Education, Apprenticeship, Basic Education, Curriculum, Education Policy & Finance, Girls Education, Inclusive Education, Literacy, Methods & Learning, Non-formal Education (OOS/ALP), Out-of-school youth, Pre-primary/Pre-school/ECD Education, Soft or Life Skills, Social Emotional Skills, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), Teacher Development and Training, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Workforce Development Training, Humanitarian Assistance, Displacement, Disaster Response, Refugees, Conflict Response, Data Collection/Needs Assessments, Humanitarian Financing, Displaced Persons & Migration Management, Youth, Asset Building, Adolescent Brain Development, Agency, Behavioural Development, Cognitive Development, Enabling Environment, Mid-Adolescence (15-19), Positive Youth Development, Social Development, Young Adolescence (10-14), Youth Friendly Services
Blog Post
Sectors: Economic Growth and Trade, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Formal and Informal Labour Market, Market Structures, Bi- and Multi-lateral Economic Realtionships, Incubators & Accelerators, Inclusion, Leadership Development, Livelihoods Development, Macroeconomics, Maker/ Do-It-Yourself, Microeconomics, Microfinance, Private Sector Competitiveness, Skills & Labor Training, Trade, Workforce Development, Education, Apprenticeship, Out-of-school youth, School-to-Work Transition, Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), Workforce Development Training, Youth, Asset Building, Agency, Behavioural Development, Positive Youth Development, Risk-taking, Transition to Adulthood (25-29), Youth Engagement and Contribution, Youth Leadership, Youth Friendly Services, Other