Learn about applying tools for gender and youth norms change, including a framework for norms measurement and a social norms design checklist.

January 25, 2023

Key Points

Access the event slides for the workshop by clicking here. 

About this Event

Tipping Point is a multi-country initiative designed by CARE which addresses the root causes of child marriage. CARE created multiple tools to advance this work, including a social norms checklist to support both program design and ongoing implementation of social norms-shifting interventions. This webinar explained how these tools support gender-transformative programming, provided examples of questions to ask while designing norm-changing activities, and discussed the components of norms-shifting interventions.

The speakers were:

  • Anne Sprinkel, Project Director, Tipping Point Initiative , CARE
  • Suraiya Sultana, Technical Coordinator, Accelerating Action to End Child Marriage in Bangladesh, CARE
  • Upasana Shrestha, Province Coordinator, USAID Adolescent Reproductive Health Nepal, CARE

Presented by USAID's YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation Activity, the Gender Community of Practice (CoP) serves youth, practitioners in youth-serving organizations, and policymakers.

Photo credit: USAID/Asia

About the Gender Community of Practice

The YP2LE Learning Network brings together diverse stakeholders who seek to learn more and share about youth development. As one of six communities of practice (CoPs), the Gender CoP helps members share and benefit from collective learning at the intersection of youth and gender. Learn more about the Gender CoP and other CoPs on YouthPower.org and register to connect with these communities. 

You must be a registered member of YouthPower.org in order to participate in the discussion group. Register today!

About YouthPower 2: Learning and Evaluation (YP2LE)

YP2LE is a USAID-funded activity focused on building and disseminating evidence on Positive Youth Development (PYD). YP2LE’s goal is to give program implementers, researchers, and young changemakers the information, tools, and resources they need to develop high-quality, impactful, and sustainable youth programs.


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