Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Youth Programming: A Toolkit
Introduction Evidence Frameworks Assessment Design Implementation MEAL Sector Pull-outs
Programs addressing the social, emotional, and psychological well-being of youth must be rooted in a deep understanding of the local context and concepts. As such, the first step in designing a program is assessing the mental health and psychosocial needs of youth. Any such assessment must include local viewpoints. When designing the assessment, keep in mind the following:
- Mapping of services, service providers, and coordination systems: Make sure to map the local and national mental health and social services systems and referral pathways for critical services.
- Qualitative and quantitative assessment tools: Use both quantitative and qualitative assessment tools. Qualitative approaches, in particular, can help you explore the following:
- How the community perceives mental health
- Gender considerations
- Disability inclusion
- Conflict-sensitivity: How social groups experience distressing events can vary.
- Cultural adaptation: Consider how assessments and programming tools translate to the local context and culture.
- Workforce assessment: Professional training and certifications will vary between countries so the assessment should determine what additional training would equip staff with the necessary qualifications to implement the proposed interventions.
- Youth engagement: Engage youth as active participants in any assessment process.
MHPSS Assessment Tools
The following tools can be helpful during the assessment phase of the program cycle. When choosing a tool, consider the type of program and the time available for the assessment:
- mhGAP
- The DIME Program Mode
- What Works—A Manual for Designing Programs that Build Resilience
- IMC Toolkit for the Integration of Mental Health into General Healthcare in Humanitarian Settings
- IASC Who is Where, When, Doing What in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (4 Ws Tool)
- IOM’s Community-Based Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergencies and Displacement Manual
- Assessing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs and Resources
- Youth Programming Assessment Tool: The Youth Programming Assessment Tool (YPAT)
Click here for Do No Harm considerations in the assessment phase.