Introduction Evidence Frameworks Assessment Design Implementation MEAL Sector Pull-outs
Evidence for Youth MHPSS
Research shows that MHPSS interventions targeting youth ages 10 to 29 can result in positive changes in mental health and psychosocial well-being. There is a small but growing and consistent evidence base for youth-focused MHPSS programming in LMICs and conflict-affected countries that speaks to a range of interventions, such as approaches based on cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), parenting interventions, structured group activities, case management, and community-focused interventions, including individual interventions using paraprofessionals and/or lay counselors. Limitations in the evidence are due to a lack of rigorous evaluations of community-based MHPSS interventions, the challenges of conducting research in complex emergencies with migratory populations, the difficulty of conducting evaluations that target different populations across multiple contexts, and the cost of large multi-context, multi-population MHPSS research initiatives.
USAID has created a MHPSS database to house research on MHPSS interventions across contexts, types of interventions, and outcomes. This database is available to anyone interested in designing and implementing evidence-based MHPSS programming and can help organizations develop effective programs by providing access to curated collections of MHPSS research.
Critical Gaps in Programming and Research
The following are gaps in the current evidence base:
- Suicide prevention and response: Interventions that address suicide in LMICs and conflict-affected areas are scarce.
- Replication: Few MHPSS interventions have been evaluated more than once. Replication of research for interventions across multiple contexts is essential in strengthening the global evidence base.
- Impact of MHPSS on physical health and other outcomes: Very few MHPSS programs have looked at the linkage between mental health and psychosocial well-being and physical health or other outcomes.
- Systems strengthening: Few programs focus on strengthening the capacity of the national health or social welfare systems to provide MHPSS.
- Workforce capacity: Workforce capacity is a key challenge for agencies implementing MHPSS interventions.
- Disability and inclusion: Very few researched programs examine how interventions should be adapted to meet the needs of youth with disabilities