USAID-Somalia Youth AssessmentThis cross-sectoral youth assessment aims to capture the experiences, aspirations, challenges, and assets of Somali youth ages 15-30 and to identify effective programs, organizations, and partnerships supporting youths to reach their full potential. USAID/Somalia will use the data to inform its approach to working with youth in greater alignment with the Positive Youth Development (PYD) framework, incorporating findings into its 2019–2023 Country Development Cooperation Strategy. Assessment results also are intended to provide donors and development practitioners working in Somalia with information on opportunities and challenges for supporting youth’s journey from adolescence to adulthood. The recommendations outlined here are based on the findings of a desk review, 130 key informant interviews, and 30 youth-led focus-group discussions with 283 youth over nearly four weeks in three zones: Federal/South Central, Federal/Puntland, and Somaliland.

Click here to access the Somalia Assessment page.


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