Ethiopia is experiencing the second-largest youth bulge in Africa today. Of the 102 million people in Ethiopia, an estimated 30 million are aged 15-29. The number of people in this age group is projected to rise to 40 million by 2030.To better understand the status and aspirations of these Ethiopian youth in their journey from adolescence to adulthood, USAID/Ethiopia commissioned YouthPower Learning to conduct a Cross-Sectoral Youth Assessment (CSYA) using a Positive Youth Development (PYD) lens. The assessment identified root causes of dissatisfaction of youth, which cut across all four domains (assets, agency, contribution and enabling environment) of the PYD framework. Youth highlighted the lack of opportunities to build skills and to contribute to decision-making processes, while emphasizing that the enabling environment does not allow them to pursue quality education nor obtain decent employment. This Situational Analysis also identifies promising policies, structures, programs, and partnerships that address Ethiopian youth’s root causes of dissatisfaction and align with the PYD approach. These promising policies, structures, programs, and partnerships were identified.