Mauritania Cross-Sectoral Youth Assessment Report Cover

YouthPower Learning, at the request of USAID/Mauritania, conducted a Cross-Sectoral Youth Assessment (CSYA). The purpose of the CSYA was to gain a better understanding of the context and status of Mauritanian youth (opportunities and vulnerabilities) and assess models and approaches for implementation of evidence-based programming for adolescents and young people aged 18-35 years to benefit program management and strategic directions for the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/Mauritania.

The CSYA assisted in understanding the opportunities and challenges for supporting youth in Mauritania. The assessment used a Positive Youth Development (PYD) lens and provided recommendations on how USAID can respond to challenges and opportunities to support meaningful programming for youth throughout Mauritania. The CSYA was conducted via in-person and virtual key informant interviews, focus group discussions, and validation session activities in Nouakchott, Nouadhibou, Brakna, Assaba, and Tagant.


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