This resource provides the recording and slides from the webinar organized on Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 11:00 A.M-12:00 P.M. (ET) - Youth Participation and Peace-Building in Conflict and Post-Conflict Environments: The Case of Tajikistan.
The recording of this webinar is available here and below. The slides are available to download at the link below.
This webinar builds on a report from YouthPower Learning grantee, Eurasia Foundation, that analyzed youth civic engagement programs in Tajikistan over the last ten years and the impact of those programs on preventing violent extremism. The Tajikistan case offers a good platform for the analysis of factors that affect the sustainability of peace-building initiatives. Dr. Parviz Mullojonov, a political scientist and historian, shared what was learned about the drivers of youth radicalization and violent extremism as well as how active youth participation for conflict prevention and peace-building initiatives could be promoted. Dr. Mullojonov also discussed how these factors can be relevant in other contexts and countries. The Youth and Peace and Security co-champion, Gilbert Mwanedata, also joined this webinar as a consultant.