WHO Adolescent Contraceptive Use Fact Sheets


These facts sheets present information from 58 countries on adolescents’ (ages 15-19) contraceptive use by marital status. In addition, key information, such as reasons for non-use of contraception, as well as where adolescents obtain their contraceptive method, is included. The Demographic Health Surveys (DHS) program www.dhsprogrogram.com conducts nationally representative surveys in low- and middle-income countries. We use the most recently collected data from any country where 1) a survey has been conducted in the past 10 years (2006-2016) and 2) the data are publically available. Analyses of DHS in the fact sheets are weighted according to DHS guidance to be nationally representative.

The data provided is aimed to help policymakers and program planners reduce inequities in service provision and access by understanding adolescents’ current sources of contraception, utilized methods, and reasons why they are not using contraception.







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